Ministry: Don't work in India on wrong visa
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Ministry: Don't work in India on wrong visa

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned Thais who want to work in massage and spa businesses in India to apply for the right visa or they may encounter legal problems there.

A warning posted on its website said several Thais working at massage and spa outlets opted to apply for a business visa, allowing them to stay in India longer than they could on a tourist visa.

The ministry said doing so is illegal, and if caught workers will face charges of incorrect visa category or visa overstay.

After being arrested, they won't be allowed to work in India nor depart the country until a court rules on their case, which normally takes at least two to three years, the website said.

Before going to India for work, Thais should study immigration law and confirm their employment conditions. They also can contact the Employment Department of the Ministry of Labour for more information.

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