Chadchart to deploy only 'knowledgeable' arborists
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Chadchart to deploy only 'knowledgeable' arborists

Bangkok governor Chadchart Sittipunt said he has made it a policy that only workers with the right knowledge can take care of trees in public areas.

The governor said complaints have been raised over how City Hall has deployed people lacking the proper knowledge to handle trees.

Often, trees were cut down when they only needed to be trimmed, he said, citing the complaints.

Where the trees were trimmed, the practice was sometimes criticised as not being done by arborists, which left the trees in poor condition, he said.

"Now there is a policy that each district must [deploy] people with the right knowledge for the job of taking care of trees," he said.

He said he was also mulling over expanding the target of planting 1.3 million trees in Bangkok during his tenure to 2 million trees.

Along with better landscaping, the city also can boost its appeal by putting power and utility cables underground.

Mr Chadchart said he was pleased to learn that in less than a month, people have joined City Hall's campaign to plant all 1.3 million trees.

"I believe beautiful cities are green cities where trees are well taken care of," the governor said.

Mr Chadchart said the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) will work to realise his campaign promise of opening small public parks within a 15-minute distance from residents' homes.

He said most people in the city have found it harder to travel to the main parks in Bangkok due to rising gas prices and traffic jams.

The BMA will explore potential areas to build more green spaces that are easily accessible for people across the city, he said.

Mr Chadchart yesterday took part in a tree-planting event in Bang Bon district, the event well attended by the public and media representatives, where he planted the Maha Bodhi tree, donated by the Nong Nooch Tropical Garden in Chon Buri.

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