Udom quits all posts for justice job
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Udom quits all posts for justice job

Udom: Wins Senate nod
Udom: Wins Senate nod

Udom Rathamarit has relinquished all posts in both government organisations and private businesses after the Senate endorsed his appointment as a Constitutional Court justice.

The former constitution drafter told reporters yesterday the resignations were effective as of his breaking the news, and he would be stepping down from all posts immediately as per the legal requirements for assuming the judicial role.

On Dec 26, the Senate endorsed Mr Udom's selection as the latest Constitutional Court justice in a vote of 200 to two with six abstentions. Support of at least half of the Senate, or 125 senators, was needed for the appointment to be endorsed.

The appointment has now been forwarded to the palace for the King's signature.

Mr Udom previously served as dean of Thammasat University's Faculty of Law, deputy rector of Thammasat University, a member of the Constitution Drafting Committee, and a specialist at the Administrative Court.

He succeeds Twekiat Menakanist, who completed his nine-year term as a Constitutional Court justice on Oct 21 last year, prompting the launch of a selection process to find a replacement equally well-versed in Thai and international law.

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