Phuket cabbies protest against unregistered competitors
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Phuket cabbies protest against unregistered competitors

Out-of-province cars hailed by app users are among the drivers' targets

Operators of registered taxis and public transport vehicles gather in front of the provincial hall in Phuket to protest against the operation of unregistered taxis and ride-hailing vehicles from other areas. (Photo: Achadthaya Chuenniran)
Operators of registered taxis and public transport vehicles gather in front of the provincial hall in Phuket to protest against the operation of unregistered taxis and ride-hailing vehicles from other areas. (Photo: Achadthaya Chuenniran)

PHUKET: Operators of registered taxis and public transport vehicles on Thursday flexed their muscles to protest against unregistered taxis and outside vehicles providing services on the resort island.

More than 100 drivers of taxis, passenger vans and tuk-tuks gathered in front of the provincial hall in Muang district around noon to submit a letter to Phuket governor Narong Woonciew, asking him to address the problem of unregistered competition. Phuket governor Anupao Yodkhwan accepted their letter.

Members of the group took turn to air their grievances over the operation of unregistered taxis that had stolen their customers.

In the letter, they said registered taxis, passenger vans and tuk-tuk vehicles that provided public transport on the island had been badly hit by outsiders. These vehicles included private cars from other areas that were used as hired taxis via mobile applications.

Mr Anupab said provincial authorities would look into the points raised in the group’s letter.

Adcha Buachan, chief of the Phuket transport office, also promised to tackle the problem.

The protesters later dispersed. 

The protest group submits a letter to Phuket deputy governor Anupao Yodkhwan. (Photo: Achadthaya Chuenniran)

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