Visa application and extension fees for migrant workers from neighbouring Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam will be lowered to 500 baht from Nov 11, Somchai Morakotsriwan, the acting director-general of the Department of Employment, said.
Mr Somchai said a Labour Ministry announcement of the fee changes was published in the Royal Gazette on Oct 27 and takes effect from Nov 11, effective for four years.
This followed a cabinet resolution on Oct 3, as proposed by Labour Minister Phiphat Ratchakitprakan, under a memorandum of understanding on labour employment cooperation with Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Laos.
From Nov 11, the visa application fee will be lowered from 2,000 baht to 500 baht, valid for two years, and the cost of an extension comes down from 1,900 baht to 500 baht, each extension valid for two years.
Mr Somchai said the lower charges were intended to enable employees to cut back on costs and help restore the economy.