81,909 jobs available for workers nationwide: Employment Dept
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81,909 jobs available for workers nationwide: Employment Dept

A group of 17 Thai nationals who had been kidnaped and taken hostage by Hamas militants during the Oct 7 attack on Israel arrive back in Thailand at Suvarnabhumi airport on Thursday. The Department of Employment said on Friday that a total of 81,909 job vacancies have been made available throughout the country for Thai workers returned from war-torn Isarael. (Photo: Somchai Poomlard)
A group of 17 Thai nationals who had been kidnaped and taken hostage by Hamas militants during the Oct 7 attack on Israel arrive back in Thailand at Suvarnabhumi airport on Thursday. The Department of Employment said on Friday that a total of 81,909 job vacancies have been made available throughout the country for Thai workers returned from war-torn Isarael. (Photo: Somchai Poomlard)

A total of 81,909 jobs are now available facilitating workers in finding employment close to their homes, particularly with the return of a significant number of workers from Israel, Somchai Morakotsriwan, acting director-general of the Department of Employment said on Friday.

Mr Somchai said that since the Israel-Hamas conflict broke out, 9,497 Thai workers have returned home. A survey shows that 4,442 express an intention to return to work in Israel, 3,979 are reluctant due to safety concerns, while 79 remain undecided.

He said although the 81,909 jobs may not offer wages as high as those in other countries like Israel, workers are enticed by the proximity to their homes and families.

There are also opportunities for them to explore job options in other countries such as Taiwan, Portugal, Greece and South Korea, he said.

Mr Somchai said the department has also prepared independent occupation options suitable for them in different areas, allowing them to work from home. They can seek advice from department officials in their areas to obtain low-interest loans for starting their own businesses, he added.

For workers inclined to return to work in Israel, the department is closely monitoring the situation to ensure their safety. They are advised against attempting an illegal return, the official said.

As for the Thai workers who are members of the fund for assisting overseas workers and have returned from Israel between Oct 12 and Nov 30, the department has paid 15,000 baht each to 9,218 of the returnees, totalling 139.2 million baht.

Seventeen Thais held hostage by Hamas and were later released arrive at Suvarnhabumi airport in Samut Prakan province on Thursday. (Photo: Somchai Poomlard)

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