Hospital says staff gave wrong meds
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Hospital says staff gave wrong meds

Bangchak Hospital in Samut Prakan on Saturday admitted one of its pharmacists gave a toddler trichloroacetic acid, a medicine used to treat warts, instead of a sleeping aid.

The boy, aged one year and four months, had fallen and hit his head on a bathroom floor. His mother brought him to the hospital for treatment on Friday.

There, a doctor ordered a sleeping aid for the boy before a CT scan. His aunt went to the hospital's pharmacy department and was given two oral syringes -- one for sleeping and the other filled with water. She later gave them to a nurse who told the mother to feed her child both liquids.

The mother said she only fed him the content of half a syringe before he began to cry. The nurse insisted the toddler must finish the contents of both syringes. While attempting to dispense the second liquid, a drop spilt on the mother's arm and the spot began to burn.

She demanded to know what liquid was given to her child. She asked for help on the Be One Facebook page and members helped her file a complaint with the hospital.

Dr Wanchat Chinsuwatey, Bangchak Hospital director, yesterday said a hospital official gave the wrong medication to the toddler.

He said the official and the nurse have been suspended pending questioning. The official may be fired if the action is considered a violation of proper conduct. The hospital will cover the medical expenses of the toddler, who is now under the care of Ramathibodi Hospital.

A new Facebook post yesterday said the toddler has improved and swelling around his neck has subsided. However, his skin shows burn traces and he is still hooked to a ventilator. The toddler's family wants to talk to the official who gave the wrong medicine and demand an apology.

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