Outcry after Trang tourist boat moors on coral reef
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Outcry after Trang tourist boat moors on coral reef

A photo shows a rope from a tourist boat tied around a coral reef at Koh Kradan in Sikao district, Trang province. (Photo supplied)
A photo shows a rope from a tourist boat tied around a coral reef at Koh Kradan in Sikao district, Trang province. (Photo supplied)

TRANG: Park officials are taking legal action against the owners of a tourist boat found moored on a coral reef off Koh Kradan, a popular snorkelling spot.

The move came after the marine environmental watchdog Facebook page Monsoon Garbage Thailand recently posted a photo and a video clip showing a rope tied around an underwater coral reef. It wrote "mooring buoy is available but they just moored the boat on coral reefs."

The incident caused an outcry and the page called on the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) to intervene, talk to local tourism boats operators and find a long-term solution.

DNP chief Attapon Charoenchansa said on Sunday a probe found that the incident took place in the sea off Koh Kradan in Sikao district, Trang province. The area is part of Hat Chao Mai National Park and under the jurisdiction of the 3rd Koh Kradan National Park Protection Unit. The boat was named Libong Travel.

"Officials have compiled all evidence and Hat Chao Mai National Park will take stringent legal action against the wrongdoer, in line with the 2019 National Parks Act. Besides a fine, they could face a ban from entering the area."

Following the 2019 National Park Act, lawbreakers can be fined up to 500,000 baht or jailed for up to five years or both for degrading natural resources and harming the ecosystem and biodiversity.

Mr Attapon said park officials will hold a meeting with the owners of all tourist boats operating in Hat Chao Mai National Park to prevent all actions deemed harmful to the environment.

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