19 Thais rescued from call scam gang in Cambodia
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19 Thais rescued from call scam gang in Cambodia

Officials talk with victims rescued from Oddar Meanchey in Cambodia on Saturday. (Photo supplied)
Officials talk with victims rescued from Oddar Meanchey in Cambodia on Saturday. (Photo supplied)

Cambodian officials rescued 19 Thai people from a call scam gang in Oddar Meanchey on Saturday, according to the Suranaree Task Force.

Maj Gen Nat Sri-in, commander of the Suranaree Task Force, said on Sunday that about 30 Cambodian officials launched the rescue operation after Thai officials received a phone call for help last Thursday from one of the Thai victims lured into working for a call scam gang in Oddar Meanchey.

According to the commander, the 19 rescued people were among about 50 lured to work at a call scam centre run by Taiwanese people. The centre was at a casino complex situated near the Chong Chom border pass in Kap Choeng district of Surin province.

Those who failed to meet their assigned daily financial targets were forced to run up and down their building or shocked with electricity.

The Taiwanese scam operators escaped with their Chinese, Indian, Lao and Vietnamese forced workers before the raid on Saturday.

The rescued victims said that most lured Thai workers had entered Cambodia through Poipet and been sent to casinos in Cambodia.


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