Sexually transmitted diseases surge among young
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Sexually transmitted diseases surge among young

The Disease Control Department has expressed concerns about unsafe sex among young people amid the increasing number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) reported over the past five years.

The department said that data has shown that the number of patients suffering from syphilis was up to 2.5 times last year, compared to 2018, while the number tripled among the adolescent group.

It said Thailand has a 0.5-0.8% yearly rate of HIV infections, with new cases mostly found among young people aged between 15-24, accounting for 47% of the estimated 9,000 new cases annually.

"Such a high number of syphilis cases suggests many of them have unsafe sex, which leads to five to nine times more chance of being infected with HIV/Aids disease," said Dr Virawat Manosuddhi, the department's spokesman.

Dr Virawat suggested that people should notice whether their sexual partner has any rashes, pustules, or wounds, but more importantly, condoms should always be used.

They can help prevent sexual diseases, Hepatitis B infections and unwanted pregnancy, he said.

People who consider themselves at high risk should have tests twice yearly at no cost at hospitals or nearby healthcare units under the universal healthcare policy.

Condoms and HIV/Aids test kits are available for free through the state-run Pao Tang application.

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