Court warrant sought to test 'psychic' boy
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Court warrant sought to test 'psychic' boy

'Nong Nice' (photo:
'Nong Nice' (photo:

The Social Development and Human Security Ministry is seeking a court warrant to take eight-year-old "Nong Nice" to psychologists after his parents continued to refuse requests by the authorities to make a house visit to assess the boy's mental condition, according to Minister Varawut Silpa-archa.

The boy's welfare is a concern, as his parents claim he possesses telepathic powers that can connect people's minds.

He also professes to be a son of Lord Buddha in a previous life, who has acquired the miraculous powers associated with the naga, a giant serpent in Thai mythology.

Mr Varawut said that he had ordered the ministry's Surat Thani provincial office to send interdisciplinary workers, including therapists, to work on assessing the mental health of the boy and his family.

However, the officials have repeatedly been refused direct access to the boy, which prompted the office to petition the Juvenile and Family Court for permission to see Nong Nice and perform a mental appraisal on him.

A court warrant is needed as the boy's family has not been cooperative, the minister said.

"The ministry and the Department of Children and Youth have the full legal responsibility to protect children's rights and welfare.

"The ministry will focus its attention on the boy's upbringing, his family background and his education. That will form the basis for considering whether the boy has received adequate care under the law," said Mr Varawut.

The ministry's remarks came after a legal complaint was filed with the Central Investigation Bureau against "Nong Nice" and eight other individuals who manage Nong Nice's "Mind Connection" office and website on Monday for violating the Computer Act, Donation Soliciting Act and Child Welfare Protection Act.

The complaint was filed by a number of high-profile social critics, including Ananchai Chaiyadet, Praiwal "Peary" Wannabut, Thankhun Jitt-itsara and Khun Ton Or, the founder of Be One Foundation.

In a separate matter, Prime Minister's Office Minister Pichit Chuenban, who oversees the National Office of Buddhism (NOB), said on Tuesday that he had already ordered the NOB director, Intaporn Chaniam, to clear up the public's misconceptions about any false Buddhism teachings that the boy may have created.

He admitted some delays in the NOB launching an investigation into the Nong Nice controversy.

The minister admitted the case had been off the radar for some time as the boy is not a monk and not technically under the NOB's jurisdiction.

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