Police invited to battle in the boxing ring
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Police invited to battle in the boxing ring

Police nationwide are being invited to test their fighting skill at Cops Combat, a "no rank" event at Rajadamnern boxing stadium in Bangkok next week.

The Royal Thai Police Office announced on its Facebook page on Monday that it would organise the first boxing tournament of its kind at the stadium on May 28.

"In the ring there is no rank, just bodies and hearts," the announcement said.

The Cops Combat event is aimed at making police aware of the importance of close-quarter fighting, which is deemed necessary for their work, to ensure public safety and to protect themselves in risky situations, it said.

It is open to men and women. Applications can be filed through their unit supervisors. Participants will be matched by weight and gender.

The poster of the Royal Thai Police Office announcimg Cops Combat, the venue and schedule, with the message, "In the ring there is no rank, just bodies and hearts."

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