Court selects new president
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Court selects new president

Prasitsak: Post starts on Oct 1
Prasitsak: Post starts on Oct 1

The selection of Prasitsak Meelarp, vice president of the Supreme Administrative Court, as court president has been royally endorsed.

In the announcement published in the Royal Gazette, Mr Prasitsak will assume the post on Oct 1, succeeding Vorapot Visrutpich, who is vacating the post because he has reached the mandatory retirement age of 70.

Mr Prasitsak was selected by the Judicial Commission of the Administrative Courts and his nomination was approved by the Senate on Sept 3 before being forwarded for royal endorsement.

Mr Prasitsak graduated with a bachelor’s degree in law from Ramkhamhaeng University and a master’s degree in political science from Thammasat University. He also passed the Thai bar exam.

From October 1997 to January 2001, he worked as a public prosecutor attached to the Office of Attorney General before joining the Central Administrative Court in February 2001. 

Since October 2020, he has served as vice president of the Supreme Administrative Court.

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