Teen hooligans storm Trat hospital
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Teen hooligans storm Trat hospital

Trat Hospital has asked police and navy officers to help guard the premises against further atacks by teen gangs. (Photo by Jakkrit Waewkhaihong)
Trat Hospital has asked police and navy officers to help guard the premises against further atacks by teen gangs. (Photo by Jakkrit Waewkhaihong)

TRAT — Chaos erupted at a public hospital in Trat as a group of teenagers stormed an emergency room to attack their rivals, forcing doctors, health staff and patients to flee in panic.

More than 10 teenagers converged on the emergency room where members of a rival gang were being treated at around 2am Saturday after the groups had brawled.

The intruders later fled but not before damaging three respirators and other medical equipment, hospital director Pichian Wutthisathirapinyo said.

Hospital administrators filed a complaint with police asking them to arrest the intruders.

"The hospital wants the raiders to be held responsible for damage caused by their action. We will let police handle the case," said Dr Pichian.

The hospital has coordinated with police and navy forces stationed in the area to send officers to guard the compound around the clock.

A local resident said several brawls involving rival gangs of teenagers had occurred at the hospital, but the storming of the emergency room was the worst yet as health personnel and patients were affected.

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