Rites of 5 religions held for victims of Erawan blast
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Rites of 5 religions held for victims of Erawan blast

Merit-making rites of five religions are held on Friday at CentralWorld outdoor activity square on the Ratchaprasong Intersection for victims of the Aug 17 Erawan Shrine bomb explosion. (Photo by Patipat Janthong)
Merit-making rites of five religions are held on Friday at CentralWorld outdoor activity square on the Ratchaprasong Intersection for victims of the Aug 17 Erawan Shrine bomb explosion. (Photo by Patipat Janthong)

The rites of five religions were held at Ratchaprasong intersection on Friday morning to make merit for the 20 people killed by the Aug 17 bomb blast at the Erawan Shrine.

Deputy Prime  Minister Prawit Wongsuwon presided over the rites, which began at Central World outdoor activity square, across the intersection from the Erawan Shrine, at 7am. 

The Buddhist, Islamic, Christian, Sikh and Hindu rites were also attended by Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam, PM’s Office Minister Panadda Diskul, Bangkok Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra, diplomats and many members of the public .

Gen Prawit led the attendees to worship at the Brahmin statue as national artist Naowarat Pongpaiboon read a poem. All participants placed flowers at the outdoor shrine in memory of the 20 victims of the lethal explosion.

There was very tight security in the area during the ceremony.   

Doves were due to be released at the bombed shrine later on Friday, AFP reported.

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