Security tight for Phangan full moon party
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Security tight for Phangan full moon party

Foreign tourists sunbath on Rin beach in Koh Phangan, the venue for the popular full moon party. (Bangkok Post file photo)
Foreign tourists sunbath on Rin beach in Koh Phangan, the venue for the popular full moon party. (Bangkok Post file photo)

Provincial Police Region 8 has ordered increased security in all tourist provinces, particularly at the upcoming full moon party on Koh Phangan in Surat Thani, following the Paris attacks.

Pol Lt Gen Thesa Siriwatho, commissioner of Provincial Police Region 8, said on Sunday he had asked police stations in all tourist provinces under the jurisdiction of his office to increase intelligence gathering and dispatch teams of officers to beef up security in venues popular among foreign visitors. Security measures must be put in place at all piers, bus stations and airports, he added.

In Surat Thani, local police have been ordered to be on full alert at Hat Rin beach on Koh Phangan, the organising venue of the popular full moon party, to be held on Nov 25, said Pol Lt Gen Thesa.

Police will also increase patrols in tourist provinces along the Andaman Sea as the tourist season draws nearer, he added.

"Although Thailand is not a target of terror attacks, security measures must be put in place as part of precautionary measures. I have instructed police in all areas to carry out their tasks with a soft approach to avoid causing panic among tourists," he said.

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