Relatives demand govt return Black May victims' remains
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Relatives demand govt return Black May victims' remains

Adul Khieoboriboon, chairman of the Committee of Relatives of the Black May 1992 Victims, calls for the government to locate and return the remains of those killed, at the head office of the Thai Journalists Association in Bangkok on Sunday. (Photo by Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)
Adul Khieoboriboon, chairman of the Committee of Relatives of the Black May 1992 Victims, calls for the government to locate and return the remains of those killed, at the head office of the Thai Journalists Association in Bangkok on Sunday. (Photo by Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)

Relatives of people who were killed or went missing in the Black May 1992 protest of 1992 have called for the government to return the remains of the victims for religious rites.

The demand was made on Sunday by Adul Khieoboriboon, chairman of the Committee of Relatives of the Black May 1992 Heroes.

Mr Adul was referring to the popular protest against the government of Gen Suchinda Kraprayoon taht took place May 17-20, 1992 in Bangkok. The protest was followed by a military crackdown that resulted in 52 officially confirmed deaths, many disappearances, hundreds of injuries and thousands of arrests.

Among the detained was Maj Gen Chamlong Srimuang, the protest leader, who was released along with other protesters after Gen Suchinda announced an amnesty. The protest ended on May 20 and Gen Suchinda resigned as prime minister on May 24.

Mr Adul said although the bloodshed occurred more than 20 years ago, the relatives of the victims still want the truth behind the crackdown revealed and justice for the victims.

The relatives want the government to organise the return of the victims'remains for the relatives to perform a religious rite, he added.

Mr Adul said the relatives' longstanding demand dated from the time Gen Anupong Paojinda was still army chief.

"Now that Gen Anupong is interior minister in the current government, we would like to call on the Interior Ministry and the government to fulfil our demand in 30 days, or the committee would seek an official meeting, he said.

Turning to the current political situation, Mr Adul said since the May 22, 2014 coup the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) had failed to fulfil promises to settle conflicts and restore unity.

Mr Adul made the demand before taking part in a panel discussion, organised by the Thai Journalists Association, on the government's economic performance after nearly four years in power.

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