Gen Prayut confirms candidacy for PM under PPRP banner
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Gen Prayut confirms candidacy for PM under PPRP banner

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha greets people during his visit to the northeastern province of Mukdahan on Wednesday. (Government House photo)
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha greets people during his visit to the northeastern province of Mukdahan on Wednesday. (Government House photo)

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has formally accepted an invitation to stand as candidate for prime minister under the Palang Pracharath Party's banner.

Gen Prayut, the 2014 coup leader and head of the National Council for Peace and Order, announced his decision in a message to the Thai people released on Friday morning.

In his announcement, he said violent political conflict and disunity had plagued the country, stalled national development and affected people's lives, democracy-based law enforcement and the exercise of administrative, legislative and judicial power for over a decade before the NCPO took over the national administration.

There had been an unprecedented and critical deadlock in the country and no way out could be foreseen at that time, he said.

The NCPO and his government had solved the situation and restored national order and peace, and brought national and economic development, political stability and a peaceful life for the people.

"Dear fellow people, our nation must progress under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand BE 2560 (CE 2017), which set 20-year national strategies and national reform plans as guidelines and directions for the nation for the good future of our children and grandchildren," Gen Prayut said.

"Importantly, there must be a government and leader of the government that are recognised, put public interest above personal interest, and are determined to work truly in the people's interest."

Gen Prayut said he had carefully considered the invitation and profile of the PPRP and whether its policies could build on what the NCPO and his government had done for the country, before accepting the invitation.

"This decision is not easy because it is an important period for the country... I am a person who is ready to sacrifice my life to protect the nation and I am confident and determined that I can join forces with fellow people to develop our country, to move forward with peace and unity and without any more social conflict," he said.

He denied he intended to prolong his power.

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