Princess Ubolratana 'may not take political position'
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Princess Ubolratana 'may not take political position'

Princess Ubolratana is a royal family member, according to the statement of His Majesty the King published in the Royal Gazette (Photo from nichax Instagram account)
Princess Ubolratana is a royal family member, according to the statement of His Majesty the King published in the Royal Gazette (Photo from nichax Instagram account)

Princess Ubolratana is still a royal family member who is not allowed to take political positions although she has stepped down to be a commoner, according to His Majesty the King's announcement late on Friday.

The royal announcement published in the Royal Gazette was nationally televised after the princess was registered as the candidate for the prime minister for the Thai Raksa Chart Party with the Election Commission in the morning.

His Majesty made clear in the statement that although the princess had resigned from the royal family by law, she is still a royal family member by tradition. Princess Ubolratana still performed activities on behalf of the royal family, as well as being a beloved daughter of late King Bhumibol and a respected member of the royal family.

"Bringing a high-ranking member of the royal family to politics, in whatever manner, is an act in violation of the royal tradition and national culture and highly inappropriate," the announcement reads.   

"All constitutions, including the current one, have a chapter on His Majesty the King. It contains provisions endorsing the special status of the royal institution in line with the constitutional monarchy rule. The king is above politics and holds a position of respect. No one may violate, accuse or file charges against him in any way. The provisions also cover the queen, heir-apparent and royal family members close to the king."

The same principles of being above politics and of political neutrality also apply to all royal family members. They may not hold any political position as it is against the intention of the constitutions and constitutional monarchy tradition, according to the announcement.

Princess Ubolratana stepped down from being a royal family member in 1972. She posted an Instagram message on Friday that she was a commoner with the freedom and rights of an ordinary people to decide to be the candidate for Thai Raksa Chart.

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