Prawit: It won't be difficult to form the next government
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Prawit: It won't be difficult to form the next government

Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon fields reporters' questions at Government House in Bangkok on Wednesday. (Photo by Wassana Nanuam)
Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon fields reporters' questions at Government House in Bangkok on Wednesday. (Photo by Wassana Nanuam)

Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon said on Wednesday it would not be difficult to form the new government after the general election as the appointed senate would be "controllable".

Asked for comment after several political parties announced they would not support Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's return to power after the election, Gen Prawit said that would be up to them, but he did not think it would be difficult to form the next government.

Asked if everything could be handled, he just nodded.

The deputy prime minister, also defence minister, said the 250 appointed senators would be "controllable".

Gen Prawit headed the regime's committee that selected the senate candidates. Under the constitution the 250 appointed senators will vote for the next prime minister, along with 500 elected House representatives.

Gen Prawit said the senators will represent all walks of life and he did not know them in person. He again refused to reveal the names of the other members of his senate selection committee.

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