FFP calls for autopsy over rebel's death
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FFP calls for autopsy over rebel's death

Postmortem report fuels abuse claims

The body of insurgent suspect Abdulloh Esormusor is carried from his home to a mosque for his burial in Sai Buri district, Pattani, on Monday. (Photo by Abdullah Benjakat)
The body of insurgent suspect Abdulloh Esormusor is carried from his home to a mosque for his burial in Sai Buri district, Pattani, on Monday. (Photo by Abdullah Benjakat)

The Future Forward Party (FFP) is calling for an autopsy to be conducted on the body of insurgent suspect Abdulloh Esormusor, as his death raises serious questions about transparency in the handling of security suspects.

Wayo Assawarungrueng, the FFP deputy spokesman, said an autopsy should be performed on Abdulloh's body since doubt persists over what led to his death.

It should also be observed by the suspect's family as well as medical personnel and the authorities, he added.

Abdulloh was arrested at his home after being implicated in insurgent activities in Sai Buri district, Pattani, by a leading insurgent named Ibroheng Maseng.

He was taken to the Ingkayutthaboriharn military camp on July 20 for questioning, before being found unconscious in a toilet block in the early hours of the next morning.

Abdulloh was rushed to the camp hospital, which provided first aid before he was sent to Pattani General Hospital and then Songklanagarind Hospital in Songkhla's Hat Yai district on July 22, where he died on Sunday.

Doctors said he was suffering from a cerebral oedema, which could have been caused by a lack of oxygen.

The hospital's statement attributed the cause of death to acute pneumonia and septic shock, which was similar to the reasons given by Pramote Prom-in, spokesman of Isoc's Region 4 Forward Command, on Sunday.

Dr Wayo said the statements could be taken to imply that the suspect died of natural causes and not by violent actions.

"The FFP feels that if there is suspicion the death was not from natural causes, an autopsy is in order," the party deputy spokesman said.

He said the dead suspect's family and the general public are asking why Abdulloh, a strong and healthy 34-year-old, had lost consciousness at the army camp.

FFP list-MP and spokeswoman Pannika Wanich said a motion has been launched to establish a House committee to review special security laws in force in the far South.

Sophon Jingjit, secretary-general of the National Human Rights Commission, suggested that Isoc's Region 4 Forward Command should make its procedures for handling suspects more accountable.

For example, the agency should inform families of detained suspects of their whereabouts, and install video surveillance at interrogation centres.

Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon has denied the government or the authorities had anything to do with the death of Abdulloh, adding that the case has been adequately handled by the police and hospitals.

He also rebuffed claims that Songklanagarind Hospital issued inconsistent information about Abdulloh's death.

The deputy premier said the 4th Army Region will contact Abdulloh's family and allay fears that the suspect had been mistreated by the military.

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