Police raid Same Sky publishing in search of book on monarchy
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Police raid Same Sky publishing in search of book on monarchy

Police talk to Same Sky publishing house editor Thanapol Eawsakul during the raid at his office in Muang district of Nonthaburi province on Thursday. (Photo: Same Sky Facebook account)
Police talk to Same Sky publishing house editor Thanapol Eawsakul during the raid at his office in Muang district of Nonthaburi province on Thursday. (Photo: Same Sky Facebook account)

About 30 police raided the Same Sky publishing house on Thursday, but failed to find a book deemed a threat to national security.

According to the Same Sky Facebook account, police executed a warrant approved by  Nonthaburi Court to search for the book "Sathaban Phra Maha Kasat and Sangkhom Thai" (Insitution of the Monarchy and Thai Society) at its office on Rattanathibet Road in Muang district of Nonthaburi.

They did not find the targeted publication, but did seize mobile phones and editor Thanapol Eawsakul's computer, to search for incriminating evidence.

"The publishing house does not distribute the book," Same Sky said.

The search warrant authorised the Technology Crime Suppression Division to lead the operation, according to a document posted on the Same Sky Facebook account. A report by  the division on the same social media said the publication was considered be in violation  of national security.

The editor could be charged with violating the Computer Crimes Act if he were found spreading the information online, the report said.

The book contains the speech human rights lawyer Arnon Nampa delivered at a rally at the Democracy Monument on Aug 3, 2020 calling for reform of the highest institution.

Mr Arnon is currently detained at Bangkok Remand Prison on multiple charges including lese majeste. He has denied all allegations.

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