Prayut wants to remain as prime minister for 2 more years
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Prayut wants to remain as prime minister for 2 more years

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha tells reporters at Government House on Tuesday that if he is re-elected as premier in the next general election, he will stay in the post for two more years and then find a suitable and generally acceptable successor. (Photo: Chanat Katanyu)
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha tells reporters at Government House on Tuesday that if he is re-elected as premier in the next general election, he will stay in the post for two more years and then find a suitable and generally acceptable successor. (Photo: Chanat Katanyu)

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said on Tuesday that he wanted to remain in his position for two more years after the next general election, and then find a suitable successor due to his tenure limitation.

As reporters at Government House repeatedly asked about his political future, Gen Prayut said: "If I am able to remain as the prime minister, I will do so only until 2025."

It was the first time that he spoke about his political future in recent months, with the four-year-long term of his present government ending in March.

Asked for his plans before his premier tenure as premier ends in 2025, Gen Prayut said: "I will do my best and then find a suitable and acceptable successor."

To the question of whether he would join the newly established United Thai Nation Party (UTN), also known as Ruam Thai Sang Chart, Gen Prayut said: "It should have been clear by now."

Asked repeatedly if he would join the UTN, the prime minister said: "I simply haven't spoken about it. I will speak about it later."

If Gen Prayut stays as the prime minister after the next general election, he can remain in office until 2025 according to a ruling by the Constitutional Court in September concerning the eight-year limit for a prime minister's tenure.

Observers expected him to join the UTN led by Pirapan Salirathavibhaga, a former Democrat Party MP who serves as an adviser to the prime minister.

The UTN was founded in March last year by Seksakol Atthawong, a former aide to the prime minister. The party was formed to back Gen Prayut's return as premier after the coming general election if he chooses to go that route.

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