The Iranian Embassy in Thailand dismissed a Twitter post by Progressive Movement chairman Thanathorn Juangroonruangkit, who recently took to the social media platform to urge his followers to voice their support for the anti-government protests in Iran.
Iran has been rocked by protests since the Sept 16 death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd arrested for breaching the country's strict dress code for women.
In the tweet, Mr Thanathorn said he stands by the protesters in Iran and called on his followers to sign a petition at change.org to show their solidarity with the protesters.
"I stand with Iranians who fight dictatorship in their homeland. We are fighting the same battle here in Thailand.
"Join me in standing with protesters calling for freedom. Add your name to @freedomhouse's #IranSolidarity petition: change.org/IranSolidarity," he tweeted.
In response to the post, the embassy said bilateral ties between the nations won't be affected by this.
"To @Thanathorn_FWP: Over 400 years of friendly relations between #Iran & #Thailand are much stronger to be affected by transient political & electoral games.
"With respect to the great people of Thailand, we're confident that such political gestures can't influence bilateral ties."
Mr Thanathorn's message also drew criticism from Nanthiwat Samart, secretary to the foreign minister, who said it was inappropriate for him to interfere in the affairs of another country.