Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has instructed doctors to closely monitor the condition of two hunger strikers demanding the release of all political prisoners and abolition of the lese majeste and sedition laws, said government spokesman Anucha Burapachaisri yesterday.
Gen Prayut is concerned about the well-being of two student activists -- Tantawan "Tawan" Tuatulanon, 21, and Orawan "Bam" Phupong, 23 -- whose conditions have reportedly deteriorated since they began their protest on Jan 18, Mr Anucha said.
The pair are currently being treated at Thammasat University Hospital.
Mr Anucha added that Gen Prayut had told police and state officials to handle events regarding the hunger strikers with extra care.
The women had originally been detained for asking visitors to a local mall for their opinions about royal motorcades, and Ms Tantawan also faces a second lese-majeste case over a speech she gave on Facebook live.
Since being taken into custody, they've called for the release of all political prisoners and for the abolition of the lese majeste and sedition laws and other justice reforms.
Meanwhile, Thammasat University Hospital reported yesterday that both Ms Tantawan and Ms Orawan were still conscious but very frail.
In a statement issued by the hospital on Sunday, doctors said that both women were very weak and were showing early symptoms of organ failure, but so far, no irreversible damage had been done.
According to the statement, Ms Tantawan was still refusing food but would sip some water.
Nevertheless, she appeared groggy, her blood sugar level was low at 50 mg/dL, and her ketone serum level was high at 6.05 mmol/L.
Ms Orawan was also continuing to fast, but her symptoms were less concerning, said the doctors.
Both sets of parents were at their bedsides yesterday after being informed of their worsening condition.
Dr Paruhat Tor-udom, the hospital's director, said a daily situation report on the women's condition would be posted on the hospital's website and Facebook page.