Military monitors Yingluck
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Military monitors Yingluck

The military junta is closely monitoring the movements of deposed prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, who has reunited with her brother Thaksin in Europe, an army source has said.

According to the source, the junta has instructed Pol Col Wathanyu Witthayapalothai, who is accompanying Ms Yingluck on the trip, to compile information about the former prime minister throughout her travels.

The main purpose of the trip is to attend a birthday party for Thaksin today at a hotel in Paris. Ms Yingluck reportedly also plans to visit the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium and the US.

The source said Ms Yingluck has been asked by the junta to refrain from meeting politicians or political groups during the trip. "The NCPO has asked her to stay away from political engagements. Any gatherings should be for family members only," the source said.

Thaksin earlier asked Pheu Thai Party figures not to join his 65th birthday celebrations. According to a party source, Thaksin wants to keep the function a private affair for family members and close associates because he does not want to rile the junta.

However, it is believed some politicians close to the fugitive ex-premier may show up at the party.

Ms Yingluck is scheduled to return to Thailand on Aug 10.

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