A draft royal decree setting the salary for the prime minister and members of the National Reform Council (NRC) and National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has been approved.

The cabinet on Thursday signed off on the draft salary and allowance rates, according to a source at the Ministry of Finance.
The source said members will get a basic salary rate plus additional monthly payments based on their job descriptions.
According to the draft, the head of National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) and the NLA president will receive a salary of 75,590 baht and an additional monthly payment of 50,000 baht, or a total of 125,590 baht. They will be paid the same rate as the Speaker of the House.
NCPO members and the NRC president will receive a salary of 74,420 baht and an additional monthly payment of 45,500 baht, or a total of 119,920 baht. They will be paid at the same rate as the Senate president.
The NLA and NRC presidents will earn a salary of 73,240 baht and an additional monthly payment of 42,500 baht, or a total of 115,740 baht. They will be paid at the same rate as the Senate vice-president.
NLA and NRC members will get a salary of 71,230 baht including an additional monthly payment of 42,330, or a total of 113,560 baht per month. They will be paid at the same rate as members of the House of Representatives and senators.
The chairman of the Constitution Drafting Assembly will be paid a basic salary and will also receive a meeting allowance of 9,000 baht per session.
Constitution Drafting Assembly members will not be paid a salary but will get a meeting allowance of 6,000 baht per session.
NLA and NRC committee members will also not be paid a salary but will be given a meeting allowance of 1,500 baht per session, as well as an allowance for travelling within the country, at the same rate as that given to the most senior officials in government ministries.
NLA and NRC sub-committee members will be not offered a salary but will get a meeting allowance of 800 baht per session, plus a national travel allowance, at the same rate as that given to heads of government departments.