Reforms before election: Suan Dusit Poll
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Reforms before election: Suan Dusit Poll

A majority of people want the country's reforms to be completed before an election on the basis that there are many problems to be resolved, according to an opinion poll by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, or Suan Dusit Poll.

The poll was carried out on 1,341 people throughout the country between May 9-14.

To the question of how should the reforms be carried out, the majority or 56.7% said the reforms should be completed before an election so that the country could move steadily forward without problems; 22.46% said the reforms and an election could be done simultaneously; and 20.84% said the election should come first, followed by reforms.

Asked what should be reformed in an order of priority, the respondents mentioned politics (77.78%), economy (76.86%), education (72.18%), law and justice (69.57%), and the country's administration (62.49%).

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