Influencer Marketing 101: Top Dos and Don’ts
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Influencer Marketing 101: Top Dos and Don’ts

As traditional digital media becomes harder and harder to accomplish in a crowded online marketplace, many brands are now turning their attention to influencer marketing.

Why? Because this subset of social media marketing utilises endorsements and product placements from “influential” people (celebrities, athletes, personalities, etc.) to get results. Not just anybody can be a good influencer though; they must have a reasonably large following and demonstrate a certain level of expert knowledge or social influence in their particular field. If done right, influencer marketing has a vast potential to guide consumers to your business or brand. 

In days gone by, banner ads were very successful, nowadays, not so much. Indeed, at estimated 54% of online users refuse to click on a banner ad. On the other side, consumer confidence in influencers – Instagrammers, Bloggers, Twitterers, Tiktokers – is on the up and up, with 40% of people saying they would purchase an item after seeing it used by an influencer.

If we’ve caught your attention, great! But, before you go rushing headfirst into the world of influencer marketing, there are a few things you should know. Here are a couple of dos and don’ts to put you on the path to success. 

DO your research 

As mentioned above, reach and engagement is critical, but what about relevancy? Don’t just choose to work with an influencer because they are popular, cheap or available; take time to look at the quality and diversity of their content. Also, consider if their personal brand is a fit for your company. Do your brand values align? Partnering with an external spokesperson to represent your brand/company is a big deal. Don’t choose anyone who could be divisive or controversial.

DON’T approach incorrectly

Once you’ve found who you think is the perfect influencer for your brand/product, make sure you approach them in the right way. First impressions really count. And be aware that influencers hold the upper hand there, they can pick and choose who they work with. If you approach them in the wrong way or don’t entice them properly, they will turn you down flat. First, find out how they like to be contacted: phone, email, tweet, DM. Then walk them through what your brand is about and why you need THEIR specific help.

DO decide on your goals

When it comes to influencers, some people believe reach is the all-important secret ingredient. But this comes at the sake of engagement. In reality, the best kind of content is the one that gets audiences to comment, like and share. Often you have to choose between the two. For example, a celebrity influencer can get you large reach, but little or no engagement. In contrast, a niche influencer can get you less reach, but richer engagement within a targeted community. Decide what results you want first, and then pick an influencer to match.

DON’T underestimate

At all times, when dealing with an influencer, keep it professional. Don’t mistakenly think that just because they are only 18 year’s old and spruik trainers from their basement that they have no business etiquette and run at amateur operation. Many are independent entrepreneurs who have painstakingly built up their profile and brand from scratch. They are very protective of what they’ve accomplished and won’t tarnish their reputation by working with the wrong company, just as you wouldn’t be working with them. So, go in with mutual respect and treat them like any other business supplier.  

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