Ajinomoto introduces its 360 Virtual Factory Tour highlighting modern technology and excellent management system
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Ajinomoto introduces its 360 Virtual Factory Tour highlighting modern technology and excellent management system

Recently, Ajinomoto Co., (Thailand) Ltd. introduces its new virtual factory tour online platform which allows visitors nationwide to be able to easily access the Factory Tour program in 360° view through online and smart devices. The new online factory visit platform offers the visitor an edutainment activity with “easy, fun and enjoyable learning everywhere, every time”. This reflects our company’s image as leading food company with in-depth understanding of consumer’s needs while emphasizing the Ajinomoto Group objective that aims to become a “solution-providing group of companies for food and health issues” along with creating leaning society and good thing to Thai society in accordance with our core business operation that “The Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value (ASV)".

As to prevent the pandemic of COVID-19 and to in line with the changing behavior of consumer in new normal life, the company therefore introduces new innovative factory tour platform to facilitate and provide opportunity to those interested people all over the country to learn our useful information of production technology, environmental management under green factory through easily online access.  

Ajinomoto 360 Virtual Factory Tour is ready to welcome everyone to join via https://onlineajinomotofactorytour.com/ or scan QR code in the poster. In addition, if the COVID-19 situation is getting better, you can actually visit the real factory through https://www.ajinomoto.co.th/th/our-activity/general-factory-visit.

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