DTGO wins “HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia” (Thailand Edition) Award
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DTGO wins “HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia” (Thailand Edition) Award

"Do Good, Do Great, Do It with Happiness” ethos

DTGO has won an “HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia” (Thailand Edition) award from HR Asia Magazine, a leading regional publication for human resource (HR) management.

DTGO operates as a “Social-Integrated Business” to combine commercial success with enhancing well-being and quality of life for all under its commitment to “Adding Value in Everything We Do”.

The group further commits to its team under the watchword “Do Good, Do Great, Do It with Happiness”. Company policies care for members and build a community of ethics, talent and well-being, bonding the organisation and its members.

Ms. Kannikar Sethi, Executive Vice President of Corporate Culture Development at DTGO, said: “DTGO and its affiliates and all its members are deeply honoured and delighted to receive the ‘HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia’ 2022 (Thailand Edition) award from HR Asia magazine. This award is another testament to DTGO’s success in ensuring the happiness and well-being of all its members.”

“DTGO has always valued the happiness of its members. We have policies to promote good, smart and happy approaches in terms of 'Do Good', which is key to our corporate culture. We have corporate principles for living and concrete ethical practices to develop our members as good people who contribute to society.”

“In terms of ‘Do Great’, DTGO is committed to becoming a learning organisation. We offer a wide range of online and offline courses taught by national and international experts, including our members. We help our members develop themselves in areas related to their work and interests to inspire them and their careers. We have both Thai and foreign members so there is cultural diversity and cross-cultural learning. We’re open to all members developing their leadership style under our direction so everyone can adjust to the world’s changes and work effectively too.”

“For ‘Do It with Happiness’, DTGO policy promotes the well-being of its members and their families. We want the organisation and its members to grow together. Compensation and benefits are fair and in line with leading organisations. Office management and working style support physical and mental well-being. There are always activities to build relationships between the organisation, its members and their families.”

“DTGO sees its ‘Do Good, Do Great, Do It with Happiness’ approach as vital to its sustainable success, both in business and in helping society and the world, as well as encouraging all its members to be happy in all walks of life,” said Mrs. Sethi.

“HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia” assesses companies under a Total Engagement Assessment Model (TEAM) to measures group dynamics and company initiatives as well as employee engagement. The overall score reflects the company’s performance in three key areas: CORE, SELF and GROUP.

CORE (Collective Organisation for Real Engagement) examines culture & ethics, leadership & organisation and active initiatives. SELF (Heart, Mind & Soul) measures emotional engagement, intention & motivation, behaviour & advocacy. GROUP (Think, Feel & Do) looks at collective consciousness, workplace sentiment and team dynamics.

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