PHD (Thailand) in collaboration with Meta (Thailand) launched Full-Funnel x R4C Framework
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PHD (Thailand) in collaboration with Meta (Thailand) launched Full-Funnel x R4C Framework

On April 25, 2023, PHD (Thailand) partnered Meta (Thailand) to host a seminar and workshop titled "Marketing Full-Funnel with Meta's Solutions & OmniStudio's Role for Comm (R4C)" for clients and employees. The event aimed to present the importance and current trends in full-funnel marketing through the diverse services and products offered by Meta, and to illustrate each funnel's perspective using the R4C lens, which is one of the steps in the OmniStudio process (OmniStudio is the PHD’s proprietary planning and collaborating platform for marketing and advertising campaigns that is widely accepted by clients and marketers worldwide and is the core of PHD's operations).

Full-funnel marketing has gained a lot of attention in recent years because it is an effective approach to creating customer-centric marketing campaigns that address the needs of customers at every stage of their journey. In the past, marketing campaigns tended to focus on the top of the funnel, where the goal was to generate awareness and drive traffic to a website or store. However, as competition increased and customers become more sophisticated, marketers realised that a one-size-fits-all approach is no longer effective. There is a need for full-funnel advertising solutions. And Facebook (Meta) as one of the most popular social networks offers several products that can be used to serve a full-funnel marketing strategy, for instance Feed ads, Reels in Awareness funnel, Lead ads, Click to messenger in Consideration funnel, or Dynamic ads, Collaborative ads in Conversion and Retention funnels.

However, in marketing communication, there is always a gap between marketing objectives and the channels available to serve them. The Omnistudio’s Roles for Comm (R4C) is in placed to bridge this gap by helping to address one of the fundamental questions in communications and connections planning – how comm works, who you talk to, and what they need to hear. The R4C is based on Cognitive Psychology, which is a scientific study of the mind as an information processor. Cognitive psychologists try to build cognitive models of the information processing that goes on inside people’s minds. There are 4 elements – Impacting, Building, Reinforcing and Activating – leveraged for comms planning at PHD via OmniStudio.

Chaivut Eiamvuthikorn, General Manager of PHD Thailand, presented his insights and the collaborative working model between full-funnel, R4C and Meta's products that enables marketers to be more precise in anticipating campaign objectives based on the R4C model, resulting in effective and contextually relevant channel selections. This was the first launch of the Full-Funnel x R4C framework through the partnership between Meta and PHD. The event ended with a workshop, which provided an opportunity for PHD employees to work on the framework to enhance their campaign performance and success.

At PHD, we always strive to Make the Leap BEYOND.

#phdthailand #maketheleap #omnistudio

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