CMKL University's AI Roundtable: Balancing Innovation and Governance
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CMKL University's AI Roundtable: Balancing Innovation and Governance

CMKL University's 2023 roundtable united experts from business, policy, and academia to explore the intersection of AI, policy, and business innovation, emphasising the need for balanced development, ethical governance, and adaptability.

On August 10th, 2023, CMKL University convened a roundtable meeting at the Pathumwan Royal Princess Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand, focusing on the intersection of AI, policy, and business innovation. The summit aimed to unite experts from business, policy/governance, and academia to address the critical balance necessary for advancing AI development while ensuring fairness and impartiality.

Distinguished experts from government, business, and educational sectors came together to share their insights and experiences concerning AI. Participants underscored the role of policy in fostering effective governance and minimising obstacles to AI advancement. They also explored the potential of open data to fuel innovation, facilitate the emergence of new ventures, and revamp existing ones. The meeting's objective was to generate practical insights and recommend best practices for government, corporate, and academic stakeholders to incorporate into their AI-related policies and future planning.

The event commenced with a welcoming address delivered by Assoc. Prof. Supan Tungjitkusolmun, President of CMKL University.

Featured discussion included:

In the age of AI, establishing a strong foundation of laws and policies is crucial to safeguarding society's interests. While learning from failures has its merits, pre-emptive measures can prevent potential harm and misuse. Implementing general laws and policies, even if they are not exhaustive, ensures that AI operates within ethical boundaries from the outset.

One crucial element that any effective AI policy must consider is the rapid pace of technological advancement. AI and related technologies evolve swiftly, often outpacing traditional legislative cycles. Therefore, policies should be designed with flexibility and scalability in mind, enabling regulatory bodies to grasp the intricacies of new technologies and respond effectively to emerging challenges.

Careful consideration is required in AI implementation because the data from which it derives information could be biased. However, there are best practices to address bias in AI algorithms. The rules and policies regarding AI must be generated while considering the personal context of each country, as there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

The importance of policy and governance in the AI era was addressed. The panel discussion focused on how governments might find a balance between encouraging innovation and minimising risks. The implementation of laws and policies demands careful consideration; rushing to enforce strict regulations might hinder the swift development of AI technologies. A more balanced approach is recommended, allowing space for experimentation and even occasional failures.

An increasing number of companies in Thailand are recognising the transformative potential of AI and are taking steps to either invest in AI technologies or integrate them into their operations. This strategic move not only demonstrates their commitment to harnessing AI's capabilities but also signifies their willingness to collaborate with specialised AI companies that are at the forefront of innovation.

After the meaningful session under each engaging topic, unanswered issues and concerns voiced in prior sessions were addressed in the Q&A session. By bringing together key actors, the event facilitated the attendees' sharing of ideas and concrete initiatives towards better collaboration among policymakers, industry, and academia.

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