Bangchak Sriracha Public Company Limited Announces Stock Symbol Change to BSRC, Effective November 20, 2023
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Bangchak Sriracha Public Company Limited Announces Stock Symbol Change to BSRC, Effective November 20, 2023

Following the name change of Esso (Thailand) Public Company Limited to Bangchak Sriracha Public Company Limited or BSRC on November 15, 2023, the company has officially informed the completion of the stock symbol change in the trading systems of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Thailand Futures Exchange. The new stock symbol is "BSRC," and it will be effective from November 20, 2023. This change will not impact customer transactions or investment portfolios. For inquiries or more information, please contact Investor Relations at Bangchak Sriracha Public Company Limited at +66-33-142-244 or visit their website at

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