In a groundbreaking move, the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra (TSO), in partnership with the Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra (RBSO) and the Silpakorn University Faculty of Music, has inked a Memorandum of Understanding that launches the "Asia Project," an initiative championed by the Japan Arts Council's "New Orchestra Support Program."
This alliance heralds a new chapter in the annals of classical music in Asia, setting the stage for an unprecedented exchange of knowledge and future collaborative ventures.
To commemorate this pivotal moment, TSO musicians graced the occasion with their exceptional performances, signifying the beginning of a series of music programs and experiences designed for the Thai audience.
The RBSO aims to embrace the Thai government's "soft power" strategy by promoting classical music activities across Asia, including the performance of Thai classical music. The "soft power" strategy is designed to extend Thailand's influence through its culture, values, and foreign policy by leading initiatives in eleven key soft power sectors. The government's approach to soft power is intricately linked to education, training, reskilling, and upskilling, with the goal of generating employment and increasing household incomes in Thailand. Furthermore, efforts will be intensified to bolster soft power in the creative industries, with the Ministry of Culture endeavouring to generate economic value and revenue from cultural events. This holistic strategy aims to amplify Thailand's global soft power while boosting its economic and cultural prominence.
This MOU represents a significant stride towards collaborative development of diverse classical music activities. Upcoming projects include a chamber concert featuring members of the TSO and RBSO on February 9th at the AUA Auditorium, Rachadamri, and a special concert by the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra in Bangkok on March 22nd at Thailand’s Cultural Center.
With its rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and histories, Asia is ripe for classical music to serve as a unifying bridge, transcending all barriers. The ultimate objective is to explore and celebrate culture through music. This initiative offers a platform for all participants to exchange valuable skills through potential communal activities such as musician exchanges, masterclasses, workshops, and friendship concerts. The RBSO is enthusiastic about this joint venture, as it promises to fortify the ties between Japan and Thailand while contributing positively to both societies.