BEM Apologises for Train Water Leak Incident
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BEM Apologises for Train Water Leak Incident

Air conditioning issue causes water leak on MRT Blue Line, BEM assures safety and swift resolution.

The Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company Limited (BEM) apologises to passengers for the incident involving water leaking into a train carriage on the MRT Blue Line while travelling from Bang Sue Station to Tao Poon Station on the evening of Tuesday, 21 May 2024. The company immediately handled the incident and took corrective action, ensuring that all passengers safely reached their destinations.

The investigation revealed that the cause of the water leak was a problem with the air conditioning drainage system, which caused water to backflow into the carriage. It was not caused by rainwater leaking in. The company has now inspected the air conditioning equipment in all trains to ensure they are fully functional and has increased the frequency of maintenance to prevent such incidents from recurring.

Regarding concerns about safety from electric shock, BEM assures passengers that all trains are designed and equipped with a proper short circuit protection system that covers all electrical equipment in accordance with standards. Grounding systems are also installed on the poles, handrails, and other fixtures inside the passenger compartments to prevent electric leaks. Therefore, passengers can be confident in using the service.

BEM sincerely apologises for the inconvenience caused by this incident and assures all passengers that the company maintains its equipment and provides regular training to its staff to ensure a safe, convenient, and fast travel experience for all.

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