Thai men are ranked on top and their women are ranked second as the world's most unfaithul lovers, with well over half of them admitting to frequent infidelity, according to a survey conducted by Durex, a condom producer.
Women from Thailand are ranked the world's second most unfaithul lovers, according to the survey report.
The survey of 29,000 women in 36 countries names the women of Ghana the world's most unfaithful, with 62 per cent of the women questioned there admitting they often cheat on their boyfriends and husbands.
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Thai women were just a little more faithful, with 59 per cent admitting to infidelity, followed by Malaysia with 39 per cent.
In fourth and fifth place were Russia (33 per cent) and Singapore (19 per cent).
As for men admitting to extramarital affairs, Thailand came out on top (54 per cent) followed by South Korea (34 per cent) and then Malaysia (33 per cent).
According to the survey, Asian men were the most promiscuous in the world. Men in Singapore and Hong Kong had an average of 16 bed partners in their lifetime, while Malaysian men had about three.
Many Thai netizens posted their messages on, Thailand's popular internet forum, criticising the survey.
One of them said the survey was not credible as people in every country committed infidelity and that the survey only asked a group of women who created a "good" name for Thailand.
Another poster said the survey was conducted by a condom producer who wanted people to buy more condoms because the result shows that their partners might be unfaithlful and they need protection.