Transport fix needed

Re: "Merger of Grab and Uber drive monopoly, pricing concerns", (BP, March 27).

I fully agree with the Thailand Development and Research Institute about ride-hailing. This new industry's service, made possible by innovative application of technology, is far superior to regulated taxis in many ways, but the sale of Uber to Grab in Thailand leaves the latter with a monopoly and the attendant excess profits, harming the riding public. Simultaneously, ride-hailing should be regulated.

The Land Transport Department has, time and again, proven to be utterly incompetent at giving the public safe, inexpensive, fast public transport. It needs to be revamped, with a new director, so licensed taxis can compete with ride-hailing cars in terms of safety equipment, driver expertise, lack of scams and so on.

Also, PM Prayut should: (1) bring ride-hailing into a legal structure that protects consumers, for example increase insurance requirements to meet those of licensed taxis, and require 360-degree VDO and safety equipment; (2) help ride-hailing companies, either local-grown or from overseas, such as India's Ola (which charges drivers only 7% of revenues versus Grab's 25%), to compete with Grab, perhaps by giving investment promotion; (3) require ride-hailing drivers to obtain a public transportation licence, for a fee.

Use technology to benefit consumers, but regulate its usage.

Burin Kantabutra
Choking on my coffee

I was reading an online news story, "More monks in crosshairs over theft", with my usual nonchalant, blase attitude toward the daily, never-ceasing reports of yet another scandal, until I came to the following quote: "Government spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd vowed to root out graft, citing the regime's successes in this area to date." I nearly choked on my coffee.

I'd suggest a sentence rewrite to be as follows. "Sansern Kaewakamnerd vowed to root out graft, citing the regime's lack of success so far, with four years of talking about it". If Khun Sansern takes what he said seriously, well, welcome to the norm. All politicians love to hear themselves talk, love to be quoted, love to brag about success, but never lack of, in dealing with issues. As an old 1931 song says, "Life is just a bowl of cherries".

Body image

A self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest is quite rare and especially so among men (it is presumed women are more concerned with their appearance and therefore more unlikely to shoot themselves in the body).

Recently a 51 year old male policeman was found dead with a gunshot wound to the chest in Narathiwat. However, no forensic evidence supported the suicide conclusion readily provided by his fellow police other than that a gun and bullet casing were found at the scene.

Michael Setter
Death and taxes

Re: "Cabinet approves digital token", (BP, March 28).

My hat's off to the cabinet of Thailand ... to the folks that think they are "unanimously" buying cryptos that are "decentralised", just a friendly reminder that nothing is certain but death and taxes.

Eddie Delzio
Pets are not toys

Re: "Pet law to combat rabies", (BP, March 29).

I agree the draft law and urge all cost of registration should be charged from pet owners, including administration fees, tags, microchips, vaccination and so on.

Everyone should realise that pets are not toys. Owning them comes with responsibility.

RH Suga
A biting reply

Bravo, bravo, and bravo again to the Soi Dog Foundation for relevant remarks in their March 29 letter, "'Soi dogs' bites back".

I agree with you, and certainly support what you said about bus drivers. I'd go a step further and add van drivers as well.

Live Dog Lobzig
A touch of irony

With the current demonisation of social media platforms, due to their harvesting of peoples' private information, isn't it ironic that all the major news networks mention that they can be contacted via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram etc? What happened to sending comments by email?

Bernie Hodges

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29 Mar 2018 29 Mar 2018
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