Kid you not

Re: "Somkid eyed for PM race," (BP, Feb 4).

So, Somkid Jatusripitak, a politician who declared in July 2020 that "I am old now. I already lost heart years ago" is being considered as a candidate for PM?

Is the situation that desperate?

Shane Simpson


Re: "Do not mistake ritual for repentance," (Opinion, Jan 31).

Indeed, Buddha did not teach that we can cleanse ourselves of our crimes through ostentatious acts of piety or rituals. He was against rituals that have now become hallmarks of every temple. As a result, many in Thailand see entering monkhood as a way to escape. It is clear that monks and laypeople have failed to understand the real teachings of Lord Buddha. A criminal act cannot be erased by remorse only. Cultivating mindfulness will help avoid follies.

It is sad to see that in many countries such as India, where Buddha attained enlightenment, and in the Middle East, Asia and now the USA, religion is increasingly being combined with politics. This toxic cocktail is much more dangerous than the Covid pandemic. In any society where criminals start using religion as a tool, it will cause disturbances, divisions, death and destruction.

Buddha made it clear that peace inside will always permeate to peace outside. When people use religion as a sword it will spread fear in society and destroy peace and grace. When religion becomes a tool of governance it will corrupt and decay. The rituals involving a stash of cash in temples are a sign of this decay.

Kuldeep Nagi

Test and stay

Re: "Test & Go gets off to good start," (BP, Feb 3).

The revival of Test & Go sounds like a boost to the remnants of the tourist sector, but the second test alters things dramatically.

Some friends who are regular visitors here had booked a island villa holiday but have cancelled upon learning that if any of the family were to test positive on the second test then they would be whisked away and isolated for 10 days in a hotel not of their choosing.

Surely it would be reasonable for tourists without serious symptoms to be isolated in the SHA hotel that they originally booked? If the hotel can isolate and feed them for one day, they can do it for 10.

This would be far more acceptable to most travellers and may even encourage them to spend more money trading up their accommodation, just in case.

Phil Cox

Holiday gamble

Re: "Test & Go gets off to good start," (BP, Feb 3).

Test & Go & Go ... double jeopardy.

As a multiple-vaccinated long-term retiree who has managed the bureaucratic maze of work permits and a retirement visa, I find the complexity and costs of re-entry into Thailand so daunting that a long overdue trip "home" to visit family and friends still seems a far-off prospect.

In light of the above, one can fully appreciate why even the most seasoned travellers find the thought of holidaying in Thailand a gamble they are not prepared to take.

So we all may ask, when will common sense prevail over bureaucratic ineptitude for the good of all?

Dr Philip Nicholls

Unspoken English

Re: "Education reform project aligns with Thailand 4.0," (PostBag, Feb 3).

There is not a word from PM Prayut about the importance of English language proficiency.

A case study in how far behind in English proficiency most Thai students are: my daughter came to Australia from a Thai private English-curriculum school. After three months in a remedial programme, she joined mainstream classes and is now an A-grade student in high school.

My son, three years younger, came from the Thai public school system. Now his English proficiency is even further behind his peers than when he arrived almost three years ago.

The gap between his and his peers' proficiency has widened, despite the school's special remedial efforts to close it. He was too far behind.

However, he will catch up eventually, simply because he is now surrounded by English-language users.

Thais from the public school system, including those who go to university, appear likely to suffer from poor English-language proficiency. This will usually result in poor educational outcomes when compared to their Southeast Asian peers who are more proficient in English.

Without English proficiency these Thais will remain at a competitive disadvantage compared to their regional peers with whom they compete in the regional and globalised economy.

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