Crypto shelf life

Re: "Is this the end game for crypto", (Opinion, Nov 20).

Everything real or with physical attributes has a limited life span on this planet. Cryptocurrencies, Virtual Reality (VR), AI, and the Metaverse can help people escape the real world for a short time. They also take us on a ride beyond the physical or natural and entertain us. But they all depend on one thing -- electricity.

Yes, some of these technologies have implications and are very useful for business purposes. VR therapy can also help people escape the vagaries of the physical world, pain, and suffering. Internet and related technologies have helped us to embrace the virtual world.

Sadly, as soon as the power is off, it is all gone.

Cryptocurrencies have little potential to replace physical assets, including bank notes, coins, gold, gems, and jewels. The sight, touch, and feel of physical currency will remain as long we exist. The reality of physical experience is ultimate. Hence the lure of crypto and other virtual distractions will sooner or later come to an end. It is similar to food, fashion, and music trends. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates thinks cryptocurrencies and NFTs are "100% based on greater fool theory".

Kuldeep Nagi
Rename COP27

Re: "EU rejects 'unacceptable' COP27 emissions plan", (BP, Nov 20).

With many of the countries at the COP27 conference not agreeing on the curbing of fossil fuel use, perhaps it should be renamed COPOUT27.

Ron Martin
Asean inspires

Re: "Three summits jointly boost centrality", (Opinion, 22 Nov).

Kavi Chongkittavorn does readers good service in revealing non-publicised details of the complex negotiations, consultations, and drafting processes which have led to a successful outcome of three significant conferences hosted by three Asean members who have all reasons to be proud for their direct contributions to the revitalisation of multilateral diplomacy during an era of global vulnerabilities, perplexities and discontinuities.

Indeed, if November 2022 has to be highlighted in diplomatic history as a memorable month for Southeast Asia, it should always be recognised that the value of solidarity and a strong sense of moral responsibility must be the guiding light of national, regional, and international policy. They are ethical imperatives and crucial prerequisites for a prosperous, peaceful and secure world based on true partnership.

Ioan Voicu
Equally memorable

Re: "Apec's echo", (PostBag , Nov 24).

"There is nothing worth remembering unless we hear it. Amazingly, voices are the only things that get imprinted in our memory." Once again, Kuldeep Nagi spouts pseudo-esoteric rubbish but shouldn't be allowed to get away with this one.

Voices are by no means the only thing to get imprinted in the human memory; smells, in particular, sights and, to a certain extent, tastes are equally memorable and can be brought to mind in an instant of being subjected to a similar experience of one of the senses.

Quite what his point was in yet another of his quasi-intellectual ramblings, I am not sure, but if he is as intelligent as he would like us to believe, he should try to write more simply -- and to the point.

Jaytee Korat
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