Legacy politics
Re: "Rift over Speaker's job erupts", (BP, May 25).
For all its great and glorious culture, Thailand recognises, studies, follows and studiously applies Western sciences and technologies, from algebra to zoology, medicine and other specialisations. Yet in adopting "democracy", the very basis of the current Western model, it bends not just the rules but the very definitions.
Senate, according to the authoritative Oxford Dictionary, consists of a "group of... elected politicians who make the laws", a basic legal definition, unchanged and undisputed since hoary Roman days.
In Thailand, sticking a fancy English term onto something that not even remotely qualifies for it (i.e. limousine for a battered Toyota; resort for some cheap huts on a rice field, etc.) is now a tired old hat, old hype. And so is, for all its pompousness and pretensions, this militarily-appointed "Senate", now giving itself airs about whether, or whether not, to "accept" a MFP-led coalition (don't hold your breath, dear Mr Pita!), or is just pretending to?
To the incredulously-watching "democratic" world, it is obviously these junta-debris senators who are not acceptable by any rule of genuine Democracy. Yet the MFP is sternly directed to respect this blatantly undemocratic "legal" trap.
By all these tired, wearisome old tricks, they are just laying the ground for a yet-fiercer loss next time around, if not now -- time being, relentlessly, in youths' favour, as the old die off! Let's fervently hope they will finally see the light and make way for the nation's decision, and its clear wishes.