Roadside bomb kills ranger, wounds another
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Roadside bomb kills ranger, wounds another

A soldier stands guard over the motorcycle of the two paramilitary rangers caught in a roadside bomb blast in Bacho district, Narathiwat, on Monday morning. (Photo by Waedao Harai)
A soldier stands guard over the motorcycle of the two paramilitary rangers caught in a roadside bomb blast in Bacho district, Narathiwat, on Monday morning. (Photo by Waedao Harai)

NARATHIWAT: A paramilitary ranger was killed and another was seriously wounded when a roadside bomb detonated in Bacho district, Narathiwat, on Monday morning.

The attack occurred at Ban Chuwo-Kayoh Matee in tambon Kayoh Matee about 6.30am.

Eight paramilitary rangers were patrolling the area on four motorcycles.

The bomb, in a small cooking gas cylinder and thought to weigh about 20 kilogrammes, was concealed in bushes beside the road and was detonated by radio.

Shrapnel killed ranger Anant Wichienthong, 25, who was a pillion rider. His driver, ranger Yutthana Thongyen, fell five metres away and and suffered serious shrapnel wounds to the left side of his torso and his left leg. He was taken to Naradhiwasrajanagarindra Hospital.

The six other rangers were unscathed. Authorities blamed insurgents.

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