Cops to buy high-tech surveillance gear
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Cops to buy high-tech surveillance gear

The Royal Thai Police (RTP) is considering upgrading gear for its special operations units to increase operational efficiency and safety for their personnel, according to a senior police officer.

Pol Maj Gen Torsak Sukvimol, deputy commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB), said the procurement plan, backed by national police chief Chakthip Chaijinda mainly involves high-tech equipment such as thermal drones.

The upgrade is deemed necessary following the shooting rampage at Terminal 21 in Nakhon Ratchasima last Saturday.

The incident which lasted about 17 hours left 30 dead and 58 wounded, both civilians and officers.

According to Pol Maj Gen Torsak, the RTP has in service some of the high-tech gadgets but when in a certain situation such gear may not be practical.

"The police chief wants high-tech gear such as thermal tracking drones which can pinpoint the location of a suspect.

General drones don't work in certain circumstances," he said.

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives yesterday grilled the government over its handling of the shooting saga, financial aid and compensation for the victims and the army's transparency in carrying out its welfare projects.

Future Foward Party MP Wirote Lakkhana-adisorn zeroed in on the army's welfare housing project believed to be linked with the mass shooting.

The gunman was allegedly maltreated by his commanding officer and the officer's relative whom he shot dead.

Deputy Defence Minister Chaichan Changmongkol said the housing welfare project at the centre of public attention is a joint scheme between the army and the Treasury Department which owns land for housing development.

Gen Chaichan said the housing project is under scrutiny while the financial dispute which turned violent involved a personal financial deal.

PM's Office Minister Tewan Liptapallop told the House that financial compensation is likely to be made to the victims within seven to 10 days.

Pheu Thai MP for Nakhon Ratchasima Prasert Chanruangthong criticised the government for failing to declare an emergency situation and demanded the prime minister and the army show responsibility.

Gen Chaichan said the incident was contained within hours so an emergency situation was not necessary and none was declared.

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