Centre set up to help Thais in Ukraine
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Centre set up to help Thais in Ukraine

A child sits on a swing in front of a damaged residential building in Kyiv on Friday, after Russia launched a massive military operation against Ukraine. (Photo: Reuters)
A child sits on a swing in front of a damaged residential building in Kyiv on Friday, after Russia launched a massive military operation against Ukraine. (Photo: Reuters)

Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Thursday, the Thai embassy in Warsaw has set up a centre to help and accommodate Thai people evacuated from dangerous areas, the Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

The ministry said the centre will serve as a temporary shelter and gathering point for Thai evacuees. They can choose to board an aircraft to Thailand from Lviv or Poland or decide to remain at the centre until the situation improves.

It is in Hotel Cisar on Horodotska Street in Lviv, a city of western Ukraine, about 70 kilometres from the Polish border.

Embassy officials at the centre were coordinating with Ukrainian authorities to aid Thais there, the ministry said.

According to the embassy, the situation in Ukraine was volatile and some roads had been blocked, making it difficult for people to flee via personal vehicles.

Rail and air travel had also been suspended, while rental car providers were reluctant to offer their services at this time. The embassy was trying to get hold of vehicles to pick up Thai people in various cities of Ukraine.

Some 250 Thais were living in the war-hit country, the embassy said.

There is no Thai embassy in Ukraine.

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