2 New Zealanders banned from Thailand after attacking Phuket cop
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2 New Zealanders banned from Thailand after attacking Phuket cop

Deputy police chief orders non-leniency against the brothers

Oscar and Hamish Day attacked Pol Sen Sgt Maj Somsak Noo-iad of Chalong Station in Phuket's Maung district on Saturday. (Photo: Supplied)
Oscar and Hamish Day attacked Pol Sen Sgt Maj Somsak Noo-iad of Chalong Station in Phuket's Maung district on Saturday. (Photo: Supplied)

Two New Zealand tourists will be blacklisted by Thailand as police move decisively following a shocking attack on a traffic police officer in Phuket.

Deputy police chief Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn said on Monday the immigration police chief in Phuket had been instructed to ban Oscar Day, 36, and Hamish Day, 34, after the completion of the court case against them. The two will not be allowed to come back to Thailand again, he said on his Facebook account.

The brothers entered Thailand on March 11 and were granted permission to stay in the kingdom until April 9. Visitors from New Zealand can come to Thailand without a visa for 30 days.

They were charged with robbery, obstruction of police on duty, physical attack against a policeman, driving without a licence and bribery.

The serious charges were imposed against Oscar and Hamish Day after they attacked and injured Pol Sen Sgt Maj Somsak Noo-iad of Chalong Station in Muang district on Saturday. They were ordered to pull their motorcycles over as they were riding fast in a community zone and failed to stay in the left lane. Instead of stopping their vehicles, they accelerated to escape. The traffic policeman pursued them and when he caught up with the two, they wrestled the officer to the ground. 

On Monday, police will ask for permission from the Phuket Provincial Court to further detain the New Zealanders as officers pursue the case. Police will oppose a possible bail request from their lawyers because they could jump bail and have no permanent address in Thailand.

Their parents are millionaire business and property owners named Laurence and Katrina Day, according to the New Zealand Herald.

"It's very, very concerning," The Herald on Monday quoted the father as saying. "The family is distraught. We're praying for a good outcome."

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