Heat stroke warning for Songkran
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Heat stroke warning for Songkran

Many tourists carry parasols to protect them from the strong sunlight, while others rely on their hats, near the Grand Palace in Bangkok. (Photo: Apichart Jinakul)
Many tourists carry parasols to protect them from the strong sunlight, while others rely on their hats, near the Grand Palace in Bangkok. (Photo: Apichart Jinakul)

The Public Health Ministry has warned of the risk of heat stroke during the Songkran festival, with extremely hot weather forecast to continue.

Temperatures in many areas were exceeding 40°C, which brought an increased risk of heat stroke, health permanent secretary Opas Karnkawinpong said on Tuesday.

People's bodies could not readily adapt to such extremes. Their body temperature could keep rising and  organs stop functioning, and people could die, Dr Opas said.

Symptoms to watch for included red skin, high body temperature, a fast pulse, lack of sweat despite the heat, headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion and, finally, unconsciousness. Those most at risk were elderly people, young children, people with chronic diseases and people working or exercising outdoors for a long period, he said.

"In the lead-up to the Songkran festival, there are activities and parades in many areas. Please take precautions and protect yourselves. Wear pale-coloured clothing of fine fabric that breathes. Spend your time in the shade and drink more water and do it more frequently, not wait until you feel thirsty," he said.

Those who exercise or whose work is labour-intensive should drink two to four glasses of water per hour, Dr Opas said.

Vulnerable people should avoid being in strong sunlight and spend their time in well-ventilated rooms, he said.

He also warned that consuming drinks with high caffeine or sugar content, or alcohol, could cause dehydration, and add to the risk. 

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