US, EU express concerns over FFP disbandment
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US, EU express concerns over FFP disbandment

US says Future Forward supporters risk being disenfranchised, EU laments lack of pluralism

A Constitutional Court judge is seen reading the ruling on TV at the Future Forward Party's head office in Bangkok on Friday. (Photo by Chanat Katanyu)
A Constitutional Court judge is seen reading the ruling on TV at the Future Forward Party's head office in Bangkok on Friday. (Photo by Chanat Katanyu)

The United States and the European Union have issued statements expressing concern over the disbandment of the Future Forward Party.

The US Embassy in Thailand issued the statement on Saturday morning, expressing its concern over the absence of representation of 6.3 million people who voted for the party.

The EU, meanwhile. worried about the lack of pluralism in Thai politics.

In the short statement issued on Saturday morning, the US says the Constitutional Court’s decision on Friday to disband the party risks disenfranchising more than 6 million voters and raises questions about their representation within Thailand’s electoral system.

The EU statement describes the dissolution as a “set-back” for political pluralism in Thailand.

“It is important that the authorities ensure that all legitimately elected Members of Parliament are able to continue fulfilling their parliamentary mandates, irrespective of the party from the list of which they were elected,” read the statement.

Amnesty International regional director Nicholas Bequelin said Thai authorities must reverse the dissolution decision and restore genuine rights to freedom of expression and association in the country.

He reasoned the decision “illustrates how the authorities use judicial processes to intimidate, harass and target political opposition, according to the statement.

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