Khon Kaen students rally against violent police dispersal of protesters
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Khon Kaen students rally against violent police dispersal of protesters

Students gather in front of the food and service centre at Khon Kaen University on Tuesday night, condemning police use of force to disperse anti-government protesters in Bangkok. (Photo: Chakrapan Natanri)
Students gather in front of the food and service centre at Khon Kaen University on Tuesday night, condemning police use of force to disperse anti-government protesters in Bangkok. (Photo: Chakrapan Natanri)

KHON KAEN: About 50 students and supporters of the People's Movement gathered for a brief rally in front of the food and service centre at Khon Kaen University on Tuesday night to condemn the police use of water cannon and tear gas to disperse anti-government protesters in Bangkok.

The gathering began about 7pm. Student leaders took turns speaking out against the police action.

Thanapon Doemthamram, a protest leader, said the yellow-clad demonstrators and the anti-government protesters were treated differently by police on Tuesday night.

While the yellow-shirts were treated leniently, the anti-government protesters were violently dispersed, he said.

They also raised three demands.

The first  was for Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha to resign as prime minister and for MPs to elect a new prime minister, who must be an MP. Senators must not be allowed to take part in this process.

The second was that the new government to be formed under the new prime minister set up a constitution drafting committee to write an entirely new constitution, which would include reforms to the royal institution as demanded by the United Front of Thammasat and Demonstration.

The third was for parliament to be dissolved after a new constitution was completed, and a general election be called.

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