The 1st Boutique Kick-boxing studio opens now
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The 1st Boutique Kick-boxing studio opens now

“Knockoutbkk” - The 1st Boutique Kick-boxing Studio in Bangkok and a new workout experience

A big shout out to healthy people who are tedious with the same old way of exercise and seeking for new motivation. Today, we have a new place to introduce that will make your back sweat.

Knockoutbkk is the first boutique fitness studio in Bangkok that focuses on combining the science of strength training exercise with kick-boxing. With the 1 hour accompanied with the rhythm of upbeat music, it will create more fun and excitement to you from a normal routine fitness exercise.

Knockoutbkk is a new type of studio exercise class that come with fat burning workout by integrating the art of Thai kick-boxing to the program, assuring a whole new level of experience for healthy people.

Also, this is the place where you can find new techniques of exercise based on the origin of Thai martial arts. For instance, the Health-strengthening workout class that greatly emphasize on high-intensity exercise throughout 45 minutes in one class.

Speaking of the Health-strengthening class, the workout program includes Aqua punching bag workout, Body weight, and Weight training session with the music styling by the class instructor from Dance music, EDM, to Dubstep.

In addition, the lively atmosphere with nightglow lighting background throughout the 45-minute exercise will create one-of-a-kind exercising studio that none like other places you ever seen.

More importantly, the Knockoutbkk has a number of international experienced instructors and expertise to coach you during the class in order to maximize the workout benefits and unleash your strength.  

It could be said that the studio is designed for everyone with different workout lifestyles – from strengthening core muscles to the least used muscle in the body, or even slim-up your body. Moreover, this is a great fit for people who love to be in the lively atmosphere while able to do all parts of body exercise at the same time.

With all these workout classes, Knockoutbkk is ready to offer a whole new level of workout experience, featuring with upbeat motivational music for everyone to enjoy and yet to challenge all body parts exercise.  

Knockoutbkk: 3rd Floor, Seenspace, Thong Lo Soi 13, Bangkok, Thailand

For information : Please call 02-185-2384 or

or Line App (@knockoutbangkok)  

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