Pregnancy and Covid: What women need to know
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Pregnancy and Covid: What women need to know

Women remain more susceptible through postpartum period

A pregnant immigrant from Haiti is assisted by her partner and another immigrant while having contractions after she crossed from Mexico, with the US-Mexico border barrier in the background, on May 21, 2022, in San Luis, Arizona. (Photo: AFP)
A pregnant immigrant from Haiti is assisted by her partner and another immigrant while having contractions after she crossed from Mexico, with the US-Mexico border barrier in the background, on May 21, 2022, in San Luis, Arizona. (Photo: AFP)

Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to Covid-19, and new government data show that maternal mortality rose sharply in 2021, the second year of the pandemic. Here is what women need to know to keep themselves safe.

If I am pregnant or trying to get pregnant, how do I protect myself from Covid?

The most important step is to get vaccinated if you have not done so already, and to make sure you are up to date on your booster shots. Covid can develop into a life-threatening condition during any pregnancy, but deaths and severe illnesses have been reported more often among women who were not vaccinated.

The vaccines are effective during pregnancy, and a growing body of evidence tracking pregnancy outcomes has found no safety concerns.

You can take other steps to protect yourself, like masking in public spaces, limiting your contacts, physical distancing and practicing good hand hygiene.

What factors increase my risk?

Pregnancy by itself increases the odds of developing severe Covid for a number of biological and physiological reasons. But that risk can be amplified by preexisting chronic conditions, like diabetes or high blood pressure.

Pregnant women with these conditions should consider taking extra precautions to avoid an infection, like staying away from crowds and people who are sick.

Other factors that elevate a pregnant woman’s risk: being over 25; being overweight; having chronic lung, liver or kidney disease; having a heart condition; being physically inactive; and being a former or current smoker.

A pregnant woman receives a Covid vaccine at Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital in Sai Mai district, Bangkok, on Sept 9, 2021. (Photo: Nutthawat Wicheanbut)

The vulnerabilities do not disappear immediately after giving birth. Women remain more susceptible through the postpartum period and should continue to take precautions.

Coronavirus infections also increase the risk of a premature birth, which can lead to serious health problems for a baby. Infants born to infected mothers have a slightly higher risk of congenital heart defects, heart rhythm abnormalities and metabolic and respiratory disorders, according to an analysis by Epic, the electronic medical records company.

What are the symptoms to spot?

If you are pregnant or have recently given birth and have a fever, cough, trouble breathing, runny nose or other symptoms suggestive of Covid, you should take a Covid test and contact your doctor.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says you should call emergency services or go to a hospital right away if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Trouble breathing or shortness of breath (more than what has been normal for you during pregnancy)
  • Ongoing pain or pressure in the chest
  • Sudden confusion
  • An inability to respond to others
  • Blue lips or face

I am pregnant and just tested positive for Covid. What now?

Call your doctor or midwife right away. Your doctor may recommend a medication like Paxlovid, an antiviral therapy that reduces the risk of hospitalisation and death and is safe for use during pregnancy. The treatment must be initiated within five days of the first symptoms.

This article originally appeared in The New York Times.

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